Closets By McKenry
Chris McKenry, owner of Closets By McKenry, hired Leighton Smith of Pioneer Media through the Bearden BNI networking chapter. Pioneer Media now hosts and manages both of Chris’ websites, and We provide hosting, domain registration, email management, analytics tracking, uptime monitoring, SEO monitoring, updates, security patches and regular backups. The website had a virus while on the old server, so we promptly removed that and cleaned the site during the transfer to our servers.
Project Information
Location: Knoxville, TN
Company Description: Custom closet design and organizing company in East Tennessee.
About the Design
Chris McKenry, owner of Closets By McKenry, hired Leighton Smith of Pioneer Media through the Bearden BNI networking chapter. Pioneer Media now hosts and manages both of Chris’ websites, and We provide hosting, domain registration, email management, analytics tracking, uptime monitoring, SEO monitoring, updates, security patches and regular backups. The website had a virus while on the old server, so we promptly removed that and cleaned the site during the transfer to our servers.